
Cutout Help

Need help finding the correct cutout for your badge?  Just follow these easy steps below.


1. Go to this link and download the Badge Fit Square template.

2. Print the template at actual size (100%, not shrink to fit).

3. Trace the outline of the badge within the 4X4 box provided on the template.

4. Scan the drawing and save as a PDF file. 

5. Email the PDF file to the email address on the template page.  Please also include a picture of the front and back of your badge as well as ACTUAL dimensions.  Providing manufacturer and model number is also VERY helpful !

6. When the PDF file is received, It’ll be confirmed the box is 4X4 which will mean the outline size would be correct.

7. This drawing will be used to attempt to find the correct cutout.

8. If there is a cutout available, an outline of the template will be emailed to you to check for fit.

The BEST option is to use an actual scanner.  

If you do not have a scanner, there are some scanner apps available. 

iPhone Apps

  • iPhone Notes App
  • Genius Scan App
  • iScanner App

Android Apps

  • Genius Scann App
  • Adobe Scan